Introducing a Budget-Friendly Insect Rearing Chamber: Darwin’s IN023 Insect rearing chambers are used for a number of different scientific studies and experiments. With a controlled environment, researchers can see how temperature, humidity, and other factors impact insects. This includes luminosity and how long you can keep a controlled environment open for testing. An insect rearing chamber is where insects are raised for research or other purposes. These chambers control factors like temperature and humidity to create the right conditions for the insects to grow and reproduce. They're used in labs and sometimes in larger facilities for things like studying insect behavior or producing insects for pest control. Introduced in 2003, the IN series revolutionized insect rearing with the first commercially-produced large capacity Peltier-cooled chambers. These chambers are now widely used by research companies globally, offering several advantages for insect rearing. Additionally, the IN series chambers are versatile and adaptable, making them ideal for various types of insect testing and research applications. Their precise temperature and humidity control create optimal conditions for insect growth, development, and behavior studies, ensuring accurate and reliable experimental results. Common applications of insect rearing chambers include ecological studies, honey production from bees, fruit fly (drosophila melanogaster) behavior and production, and other areas of research. The crucial component is to make sure that your chamber is set up to suit your needs and goals. What is the IN023 Insect Rearing Chamber? The IN023 single door insect rearing chamber is built for research involving insects but is adaptable to other needs. There are a few reasons to consider the IN Series as a compatible product for your research. See below for its standard capabilities: Cooling redundancy is important for chambers that need to maintain certain temperatures. The IN series (including the IN023) has redundant backups in case of a power outage or other issue. This is due to its thermoelectric cooling technology. If there is a problem with your IN023 or a different unit, you might have to wait for a professional technician. Serviceability is a key component for our customers--luckily, most maintenance can be done in-house without having to wait. Built with coated coils to prevent corrosion from insects, and a secondary safety high temperature cut-off switch to protect insects. Humidification via customer-supplied pans of water. Reducing your overall energy load both directly and indirectly can save you countless dollars over time. The IN series is designed for efficiency and can be placed just about anywhere in a lab. Timed Lighting ON/OFF, non dimmable, Full glass door, Decontamination cycle, Access Port. Capable of temperatures in the range of 16C to 40C with built in Fuji alarm to sound when chamber falls out of the user setpoint. Common applications of insect rearing chambers include ecological studies, honey production from bees, fruit fly (drosophila melanogaster) behavior and production, and other areas of research. The crucial component is to make sure that your chamber is set up to suit your needs and goals. The IN023 is not only affordable, but efficient as far as insect rearing chambers go. For schools, research institutions, and other organizations, the budget-friendly costs of the IN023 are unparalleled in the insect rearing chamber industry. If you need an insect rearing chamber, you can't go wrong with the IN023. Contact Darwin Chambers today to learn more about our capabilities and how we can help find you an insect rearing chamber that meets your needs. Ready to Learn More about Insect Rearing Chambers? Reach out to Darwin Chambers now for more information about how we can make your lab work as efficiently and practically as possible. You can fill out our form or call our experts directly at 314-534-3111 for more information.